Have you ever noticed how some peoples birthdays seem to just stretch on for days? Maybe even weeks? Well my roommate’s birthday is one that continued to be celebrated several days after. I am not complaining as I was able to take part in half-off sushi on Tuesday. I’m not a huge sushi goer, as I have had a few bad experiences with it, but this time around was a turning point for me. I dunno if it was the part that it was only half off or the sushi was delicious. I ordered a California roll and some Asian fry’s. When you order fry’s do you honestly expect the waiter to bring out four foot-long fry’s stacked Lincoln log style? To my surprise that’s how it was served! I was furious that there were only four until I realized that each one was stuffed with who knows what! It turned out to be a tasty surprise. Thanks Mikato’s and Julie.
I love how connected and spontaneous weekends can become. Who would have thought that while playing Mad Gad Friday night at the cabin would lead to the Sunday afternoon film? The correct phrase “Interview with the Vampire” was splurted out by my roommate. No one had a clue what that was until he said it was a movie. We ended up watching it today. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise as we witnessed Brad Pit, Tom Cruise, Antonio Banderez, and Kristen Dunst wreak havoc as vampires. Take that Twilight! Speaking of twilight, I was privileged to take part in a mid-night hike to the Y with only the light of the moon. It was freezing.
Every once in a while you find yourself receiving that phone call that just sends you rushing to the rescue. For some their wife’s water broke, others their roommate’s car just got towed, or a flat tire. But for me, my call was a request to assists two vagabonds in a special ritual and ceremony; so I obviously found myself speeding around south Provo to take part in. I wasn’t given many details about the origin of this particular event but I was intrigued and honored to be included. My individual part of this extravaganza was to be the transporter of the pledge and photographer. I felt I did a good job documenting this most important occasion. I won’t go into too much detail as in the masterminds behind this will be writing the full account shortly; I wouldn’t want to steal their thunder. But I will note that I have found myself extremely sore from climbing a special tree chimpanzee style. I mean it had been a while since I last climbed a huge tree, tonight was also the first time I may have been legitimately called a tree hugger.
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